A Complete Guide to How to Untangle A Necklace and Get Rid of Unwanted Knots

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A few things in life are way more frustrating. One such thing is untangling your necklace. Whether you are in a hurry or have a lot of time, you hate untangling your necklace. Some people put their tangled necklaces aside and think of untangling them on some specific day when they have plenty of time. Others simply bid farewell to their necklace and throw it in the trash.

Well, you don’t need to follow any of the above two methods, as we have here some amazing tips about how to untangle a necklace. Keep yourself calm and patient, and follow these tips to untangle your necklace.

Method 1: Use warm water with the soap

This method is great and should be your priority because it doesn’t involve any mess. A simple method that not only untangles your jewelry but also cleans it.

Material required

  • A flat surface
  • Dish soap or shampoo
  • Warm water
  • A safety pin, or a sewing needle.

Steps to follow

  1. If you can remove the pendants in the tangled chain easily, remove them before starting the procedure.
  2. Make a solution of warm water and mild soap. Soak the necklace in this solution.
  3. If the tangles are hard and tight, use your fingers to loosen them gently.
  4. Take the necklace out once you see the knots are loosened. Place the necklace on a flat surface so that the untangled parts will not engage to cause further tangles.
  5. Now use either your fingers or the needle to open the knots, depending on how loose they are. Place the tip of the needle right in the middle of the knot and start moving circularly. Continue moving it until the chain gets untangled.

Method 2: Use oil as a lubricant

Oil is always known as one of the best lubricants. You can use oil to untangle the necklace. Here are the steps you need to follow.

Material required

  • Baby oil or olive oil
  • Mild soap
  • Cotton swab
  • Paper towel

Steps to follow

  1. Take a cotton swab and dip it in the oil. Now dab the tangled necklace with the oil. Work hard to lubricate the knots and untangle the chain.
  2. For the stubborn knots, continue giving them an oil massage until they are loosened.
  3. Once the necklace is untangled, rinse it off with water and soap. You can use the jewelry cleaner instead to clean your necklace. 
  4. Use a paper towel to dry your untangled necklace gently.

Method 3: Use the pin and tools 

If you are short of lubricant or you don’t want to use any liquid or powder to untangle your necklace, this method will work great for you. 

Material required

  • Needle
  • Safety pin
  • Small screwdriver or thumbtack

Steps to follow

  1. Don’t worry if you don’t have supplies to work with your tangles necklace. You can still untangle it with a safety pin, needle, or a small screwdriver.
  2. Place the necklace on a flat surface and insert the pin gently inside the knit. You have to work a bit harder in this case as you haven’t applied any lubricant to the chain.
  3. You can use either another pin or your fingers to slightly open the knots.
  4. Since no lubricant is used in this method, you need to be very gentle, especially when dealing with delicate necklaces. Make sure to unravel them smoothly; otherwise, the chain may break.
  5. An advantage of this method is that you don’t need any post-cleaning as you are not using any lubricant.

Method 4: Use baby powder

This method will create a bit more mess than others, but there is a 100 percent chance it will untangle your necklace. It means you can go for it, but you will have to do a little bit more cleaning in the end.

Material required: 

  • Baby powder
  • Needle
  • Flat surface
  • Mild soap
  • Warm water
  • Paper towel

Steps to follow:

  1. Use a flat surface to start this method to avoid any further tangling.
  2. Cover the full chain with baby powder. 
  3. Use your fingers or a needle to open the knots. Baby powder will act as a quick lubricant that will surely lose the knots.
  4. Rubbing the knots with your fingers gently is one way to untangle your chain.
  5. Once you are done untangling your necklace, rinse it with mild soap and warm water.
  6. Use a paper towel to dry your necklace gently. And it’s now ready to be worn on any occasion. Free of all the knots and tangles!

Method 5: Using baking soda and water

It’s another amazing method that not only untangles your necklace but also cleans it.

Material required

  • Baking soda
  • Warm water
  • Toothbrush
  • Soap
  • Paper towel

Steps to follow

  1. Make a paste by adding baking soda to warm water.
  2. Place the necklace on a table or any flat surface. Use a toothbrush to apply this paste to the knots. 
  3. Try untangling the knots with the toothbrush. Work with the knits gently and repeat the procedure until all the knots are opened.
  4. Brushing the chain gently can help you take off the paste and untangle the necklace as well.
  5. Now wash the necklace with soap and warm water.
  6. Dry it with a paper towel. 

Some additional tips

Any of the above methods can help you untangle your necklace and bring them back to use. However, here are some points to be kept in mind when untangling your necklace with any method.

  1. Make sure the light is bright. Necklaces are mostly delicate, and knots become less visible in dim light. Before starting the untangling, take your necklace to a place where you have bright light.
  2. Be gentle. You are searching for how to untangle a necklace because you want to use it again. Don’t rush things and end up breaking your chain instead of opening the knots. Do gently whatever you are doing and be mindful of the consequences in case you perform the procedure ruthlessly. 
  3. The most important thing is patience. Trying a method impatiently and throwing your necklace in the trash in case of failure is not the solution. You need to stay calm and patient and try things to work out gently.

Call for professional help

If none of the techniques work, then you need to take your tangled necklace to a jeweler. The jeweler can use his skills and provide you with professional help. Don’t try to sort things forcefully if they are not settling down gently. It’s a delicate matter. Your necklace can accidentally break, leaving you with nothing but regret. 

Looking for some more necklaces?

Your little effort can help you untangle your necklace. Try these methods, and you are sure to be successful in this regard. 

Now that you have organized your old necklaces, it’s time to shop for new personalized ones.

 You can visit our website if you are looking to add some amazing personalized necklaces to your jewelry collection.